Monday, May 16, 2011


       Monday again....uhhh and the Monday of finals week too. So much to do so little time, you know its sad when you wish there was just one more day to study. Very sad when you want more time to spend it cramming haha. At the same time finals can be a nice thing seeing as soon as you walk up to turn in the test or when you walk away from giving a presentation that class will be over forever (assuming your passing that is haha). Never again will you have to trudge to that room for that specific class or study or do anything for it. The routine you spent your life in for the past 4 months will be over, all that work you put in will finally been sewn shut as you leave each final. Sad... but not that sad haha.


  1. this is very true and its even better feeling when you walk across the stage with that degree in hand thinking I never have to go back again

  2. Am I the only one who never liked Garfield? :P

  3. oh i know the feeling, i always wake up tired on mondays and tuesdays, so grunchy too

  4. Yeah I know exactly how you feel.. Final weeks really sucks, especially when you have to do all the cramming. I think the cartoon summed it up nicely though haha! Keep up the great posts!

  5. As bad as finals are, they are over eventually.
