Friday, May 13, 2011


My little Louie the turtle :D He's been so full on energy lately. Ever since I took him out of the tank to hold em for the picture he's been swimming/waddling all around his tank trying to see out. I think he got a taste of freedom when he got to see the wide outside of his little bowl. Haha now he tries to stand up against the class and strains his little neck too see out at any commotion.  Little Louie is still fascinated with the betas next to his bowl, right now he's up as high as he can with his nose pressed against the glass watching them. lol So cute!! :D I got some requests for a picture of the dinky winky guy so here he is!!


  1. I love turtles use to have one when i was little.

  2. I like turtles. Seriously, this little guy is awesome.

  3. That's so cute!

    I fucking love turtles! <3

  4. That's insane how small they are! How big will he get?
